Hire the best Gardeners

Contact us and we will assist you


(+356) 9901 4855

Beautify your green areas with luxury gardeners

Trust our professional gardeners to keep your garden and that of your community in optimal condition. Its specific functions include:

  • Natural and Artificial Grass Care: They keep your grass in perfect condition, whether natural or artificial.
  • Maintenance and Decoration of Private Gardens: They renew and decorate private gardens for a pleasant atmosphere.
  • Pruning Trees, Hedges and Shrubs: Manages pruning with precision for healthy growth.
  • Irrigation and Fertilization Tasks: Ensure adequate irrigation and fertilization for lush growth.
  • Facility Maintenance and Garden Cleaning: They take care of the facilities and maintain cleanliness in every corner.
  • Installation and Maintenance of Automatic Irrigation Systems: They modernize irrigation systems.
  • Pool Washing and Maintenance: They take care of your pool.
  • Garden Care: If you have a garden, our team oversees its care and maintenance.

At Luxury Philippines Domestic Services Agency, we are committed to finding the best Filipino gardener to tend to the outdoor areas of your home and community. Tell us your needs and we will select the perfect candidate for you, guaranteeing a spectacular outdoor space.

Hire the best Gardeners

The best staff for your home or business in Malta

At Luxury Philippines Domestic Services your home is our commitment, discover the luxury of having professional Filipino domestic workers with us.