Importance of English for Our Children

The Importance of English for Our Children: Insights from LPDS

When it comes to the upbringing of your children, ensuring they have the best possible start in life is paramount. At Luxury Philippines Domestic Services Malta (LPDS), we understand the unique role that language, particularly English, plays in your child’s development. Our experienced Filipino nannies are not only experts in childcare but also proficient in English, helping your children grow in a multilingual environment. Let’s dive into why English is so crucial for your child’s growth and how our nannies can support this journey.

Why English Matters for Your Children

Global Communication Skills

English is often referred to as the global language of communication. In a world that is increasingly interconnected, the ability to speak and understand English opens up endless opportunities for your children. From international travel to global career prospects, fluency in English is an invaluable asset. This skill allows them to connect with people from diverse cultures and backgrounds, broadening their horizons and fostering a more inclusive worldview.

Academic Advantages

In many educational systems around the world, English is the primary language of instruction. Proficiency in English can give your child a head start in school, allowing them to excel in subjects that are taught in English. This foundation not only aids in their immediate academic performance but also prepares them for higher education opportunities that may arise in English-speaking countries. Being comfortable with English from a young age can significantly enhance their ability to perform well in exams, participate in class discussions, and access a wider range of learning resources.

Cognitive Development

Learning multiple languages, including English, has been shown to enhance cognitive abilities. Children who grow up bilingual or multilingual tend to have better problem-solving skills, improved memory, and greater mental flexibility. By integrating English into their daily lives, you are fostering their overall cognitive development. This bilingual advantage can also improve their executive functions, such as planning, focusing attention, and multitasking.


How LPDS Nannies Support English Learning

Personalized Language Exposure

Our Filipino nannies are adept at creating immersive English-speaking environments tailored to your child’s age and language proficiency. They engage children in daily conversations, read English books, and encourage the use of English in everyday activities. This personalized exposure ensures that your child not only learns the language but also uses it confidently. Whether through storytelling, singing nursery rhymes, or simply chatting during playtime, your child will naturally pick up English in a fun and engaging way.

Educational Activities and Play

Learning English doesn’t have to be a chore. Our nannies incorporate language learning into fun and educational activities. Whether it’s through games, songs, or interactive play, your child will associate English with enjoyment and creativity. This positive reinforcement is crucial for effective language acquisition. Activities like puzzle-solving, role-playing, and art projects can all be conducted in English, making learning seamless and enjoyable.

School Support

For school-aged children, our nannies provide valuable support with homework and school projects that require English proficiency. They help children understand instructions, complete assignments, and prepare for exams, ensuring that they stay ahead in their academic pursuits. This support can be particularly beneficial in subjects like science, math, and social studies, where English comprehension is key to understanding complex concepts and instructions.


Additional Benefits of Our Nannies

Child’s Personal Grooming

Our nannies take meticulous care of your child’s personal grooming needs, ensuring they are always clean, comfortable, and presentable. This attention to detail not only keeps your child healthy but also instills good hygiene habits from a young age. Regular grooming routines also teach children about self-care and responsibility.

Specific Baby Care

For families with infants, our nannies bring a wealth of experience in specific baby care. They are trained to handle the unique needs of babies, providing dedicated and loving care that ensures your little one’s well-being. This includes feeding, changing, and soothing, all done with the utmost care and attention to detail.

Daily Cooking

Proper nutrition is essential for a child’s growth and development. Our nannies prepare balanced and nutritious meals that cater to your child’s dietary needs and preferences. This ensures that your child receives the essential nutrients required for healthy growth. Meal preparation also becomes an opportunity for language learning, as nannies can involve children in cooking activities, introducing them to new vocabulary and concepts related to food and health.

School Accompaniment and Pickup

Safety is a top priority for us. Our nannies accompany your children to and from school, establishing a secure and trustworthy routine. This consistency helps your child feel safe and supported throughout their school day. Additionally, the time spent commuting can be used for casual conversations in English, reinforcing language skills in a natural setting.

Games, Walks, and Company

Our nannies are committed to creating a stimulating and fun environment for your children. They organize games, walks, and various activities that promote physical, emotional, and social development. Your child will always have a companion to explore and learn from. Activities such as nature walks, playground visits, and group games encourage social interaction and teamwork, all while communicating in English.

Day and Night Care

We understand that parents often have demanding schedules. Our nannies provide continuous care both day and night, offering peace of mind that your child is in good hands at all times. This round-the-clock care ensures that your child’s needs are met regardless of the time, providing a stable and nurturing environment.

Household Chores

In addition to childcare, our nannies assist with household chores related to your children. This includes washing and ironing clothes, tidying rooms, and maintaining a clean and organized space. A clean environment contributes to your child’s health and comfort. Teaching children to keep their spaces tidy also fosters responsibility and organization skills.



Choosing the right nanny for your child is a significant decision. At LPDS, we pride ourselves on offering highly qualified Filipino nannies who are not only experts in childcare but also proficient in English. By integrating English into your child’s daily routine, our nannies help lay a strong foundation for their future success.

Whether it’s through personalized language exposure, educational activities, or comprehensive care, our nannies are dedicated to supporting your child’s growth in every aspect. Trust LPDS to provide the best care and opportunities for your children in Malta.


Contact Us

If you’re ready to give your child the advantage of learning English with the help of a dedicated and experienced nanny, contact Luxury Philippines Domestic Services Malta today. Let us know your family’s needs and expectations, and we’ll begin our thorough selection process to find the perfect match for you.